The incidence of lung cancer is highly correlated with smoking. Source:NIH.
Smoking, particularly of cigarettes, is by far the main contributor to lung cancer, which at least in theory makes it one of the easiest diseases to prevent. In the United States, smoking is estimated to account for 87% of lung cancer cases (90% in men and 79% in women), and in the UK for 90%. Cigarette smoke contains 19 known carcinogens including radioisotopes from the radon decay sequence, nitrosamine, and benzopyrene. Additionally, nicotine appears to depress the immune response to malignant growths in exposed tissue. The length of time a person continues to smoke as well as the amount smoked increases the person's chances of developing lung cancer. If a person stops smoking, these chances steadily decrease as damage to the lungs is repaired and contaminant particles are gradually vacated. More recent work has shown that, across the developed world, almost 90% of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking. In addition, there is evidence that lung cancer in never-smokers has a better prognosis than in smokers, and that patients who smoke at the time of diagnosis have shorter survival than those who have quit.Passive smoking—the inhalation of smoke from another's smoking— is claimed to be a cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Studies from the USA (1986, 1992,1997,2001, 2003), Europe (1998), the UK (1998), and Australia (1997) have consistently shown a significant increase in relative risk among those exposed to passive smoke.
In 1993, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) claimed that about 3,000 lung cancer-related deaths a year were caused by passive smoking. However, since this report was based on a study that was alleged to be heavily biased and was ruled by a federal judge to be "unscientific", the EPA report was declared null and void by a federal judge in 1998.
Smoking, particularly of cigarettes, is by far the main contributor to lung cancer, which at least in theory makes it one of the easiest diseases to prevent. In the United States, smoking is estimated to account for 87% of lung cancer cases (90% in men and 79% in women), and in the UK for 90%. Cigarette smoke contains 19 known carcinogens including radioisotopes from the radon decay sequence, nitrosamine, and benzopyrene. Additionally, nicotine appears to depress the immune response to malignant growths in exposed tissue. The length of time a person continues to smoke as well as the amount smoked increases the person's chances of developing lung cancer. If a person stops smoking, these chances steadily decrease as damage to the lungs is repaired and contaminant particles are gradually vacated. More recent work has shown that, across the developed world, almost 90% of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking. In addition, there is evidence that lung cancer in never-smokers has a better prognosis than in smokers, and that patients who smoke at the time of diagnosis have shorter survival than those who have quit.Passive smoking—the inhalation of smoke from another's smoking— is claimed to be a cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Studies from the USA (1986, 1992,1997,2001, 2003), Europe (1998), the UK (1998), and Australia (1997) have consistently shown a significant increase in relative risk among those exposed to passive smoke.
In 1993, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) claimed that about 3,000 lung cancer-related deaths a year were caused by passive smoking. However, since this report was based on a study that was alleged to be heavily biased and was ruled by a federal judge to be "unscientific", the EPA report was declared null and void by a federal judge in 1998.
(Wikipedia "lung cancer")
6 件のコメント:
Do you know which tabacoo has the most carcinogen???I'm interested the ranking about each tabacco's carcinogen amount.
There's a cigarette that the smoke smells like chocolate.
We don't feel much unpleasant as usual cigarette, but forgets about causes for second-hand smoking.
Smoking is one of the worst things kids or adults can do to their bodies. Smoking is an addiction and it is very difficult to quit. The cigarette contains over 4000 chemicals, over 60 of which increase the risk of cancer and other diseases in humans and animals. Cigarette contains nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide. The nicotine seems to stimulant their brain to work faster or relax but it is just a delusion. Actually, if you smoke your brain can’t work fast compare to when you are not smoking. By smoking, many people feel relaxed, calmer, and happier than before the inhalation. You might feel good but this is wrong. These pleasant feelings reflect the physical side of addiction like cancer, circulation problems, heart disease and others. People can buy cigarettes and smoke pretty much anywhere and anytime. It is very easy to smoke so people’s manners of smoking are very bad. People know that the tobacco will ruin their body but they can’t stop. Ruining one’s body is own your risk but your tobacco’s smoke is affecting non smoker’s body too.
For farther research, I think it would be interesting to write about why people smoke. May be this topic could improve your blog. Also I want to know which tobacco maker is popular among Japanese and reason why it's popular.
Is there any way to prevent getting what is called PASSIVE SMOKING??
If EPA claims that about 3,000 lung cancer-related deaths a year were caused by passive smoking, then why do Japanese people keep on smoking infront of other people?? Or why doesn't the government call a stop on smoking or take action in smoking??
There once was a raise in cigarette boxes in Japan but I think the raise wasn't enough for people to stop smoking. I think it should be raised a lot more so that the non-smokers do not get passive smoke and have cancer from it.
Consuming cigarette is highly harmful to a human. It not just affect human body but also mind. Herbal Vaporizer is best option which can help you to quit smoking.
If you are fade up of smoking and really want to quit this then use Herbs Vaporizer to quit smoking. Its very helpful and assures you that it will help you to quit smoking.