
Secondhand Smoke

As we know, secondhand smoke is one of problems of smoking.
Though people don't intend to smoke, they inhale smoke unconsciously and it affects their health.

For example...
・Secondhand smoke exposure has immediate adverse effects on the cardiovascular system and causes coronary heart disease.

・Secondhand smoke is estimated to cause from 22,700 to 69,600 premature deaths from heart desease each year in the United States among nonsmokers.

・Nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or at work increase their risk of developing heart disease by 25–30%.

"Secondhand Smoke." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Department of Health and Humen Services. 23 May 2007 .

4 件のコメント:

Mari さんのコメント...

WOW.... "Secondhand smoke is estimated to cause from 22,700 to 69,600 premature deaths from heart desease each year in the United States among nonsmokers." This part scared me... I do have many friends that smoke and I don't smoke so when actual numbers appear on this blog like this, it kind of freaked me out.

mamirin さんのコメント...

I knew that secondhand smoke is terrible and I think many people knows this, but seeing this comment, I understood it again. I also have many friends who smoke, so when they smoke I will worry about it so much. Now, whether they smoke or not will depend on themselves but I want them to stop smoking when nonsmokers are around them on the part of nonsmokers.

yukichi さんのコメント...

A lot of people in my E.S.S. club, smoke. I guess I'm a second hand smoker, I'm scared!!
I don't want to be infected by a smoke from somebody else's tobacco!
Don't you think it's unfair for the healthy people??

Are there any system or an act done to decrease the smokers or create more areas for smoking people or curing the infected second hand smokers??

I'm interested!!><

miho さんのコメント...

Second hand smoking affects so many people nowadays.
I have an uncle who is such a heavy smoker!!!
I can imagine that people around him like my cousins lungs are damaged!!!
I even disliked it when we were out for driving, and he only rolled down his window for like 10 cm!!!
it is totally unfair for people that are non smokers to be affected by the smokers...